On 15 May 2024, the Bermuda Court granted an order striking out a winding-up petition (the “Petition”), setting aside an earlier order appointing joint provisional liquidators (“JPLs”), and discharging the JPLs appointed over New Sparkle Roll International Group Limited (the “Company”), a Bermuda company listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. The Company’s new board of directors (the “New Board”) was represented by Conyers.
Is it possible for a debtor company to issue debt (such as bonds) and contractually agree for that debt to rank lower in priority than debts owed by a company to other unsecured creditors? This article examines the commercial uses of subordinated debt agreements, and considers how courts in the offshore jurisdictions of the British Virgin Islands, the Cayman Islands and Bermuda would treat a subordinated debt agreement in a winding-up.
在香港、中国内地和台湾等司法管辖区运营的家族企业,通常会把企业的实益拥有权和控制权置于英属维尔京群岛(下称“BVI”)注册成立的公司股东名下。受惠于 BVI 公司隐私法的相关优势及其对高净值个人和家族的特殊吸引力,整个企业的实益拥有权甚至能位于国际业务结构顶端的 BVI 控股公司(下称“BVI 控股公司”)发行的股份。
从遗产规划的角度来看,为了确保企业由家族或高净值个人保留控制,企业的融资方式通常是通过股东或几个主要股东向企业提供贷款。如果企业多年来的融资方式一直是 BVI 控股公司获提供的贷款,那么该 BVI 公司欠下的债务总额很有可能相当庞大。一旦贷款人去世便会产生一系列问题,例如死者能否追讨 BVI 公司欠下的债务、追讨申请的正确诉讼地等。
本文将厘清上述部分问题,并分享康德明对于已故个人代表在 BVI 追讨债务的一些指引。
The Cayman Islands Grand Court recently delivered its judgment in Re Shinsun Holdings (Group) Co., Ltd. FSD 192 of 2022 (DDJ) (21 April 2023) (unreported) (the “Shinsun Judgment”) in which the court determined the ultimate beneficial owner of bonds, held through Euroclear, did not have standing or authority to progress a winding up petition as a contingent creditor. In this article, we explore similar cases in other offshore and common law jurisdictions.
Shinsun Judgment and the Cayman Position
Following the UK Supreme Court decision in Sequana1 at the end of 2022, the New Zealand Supreme Court has now weighed in on the issue of the duties owed by directors of a company in the zone of insolvency in a long-running case involving the liquidation estate of Mainzeal Property and Construction Limited.2
根据英国最高法院 2022 年底 Sequana1 的判决 ,新西兰最高法院在涉及 Mainzeal Property and Construction Limited2清算财产的长期案件中,对破产区公司董事所承担的义务问题进行了权衡及作出有力贡献。
Mainzeal 的最新决定再次提醒大家,公司董事未能采纳建议和采取适当行动可能会导致严重后果。
Mainzeal 决定
In October 2022, the Privy Council delivered its judgment in the Z Trust case of Equity Trust (Jersey) Ltd (Respondent) v Halabi (in his capacity as Executor of the Estate of the late Mdam Intisar Nouri) (Jersey)which was consolidated with ITG Ltd and others (Respondents) v Fort Trustees Ltd and another (Appellants) (Guernsey).The Privy Council considered the nature and scope of the right of a former trustee to recover from or be indemnified out of assets of an insolvent trust in respect of liabilities and other expenditures proper
英国终审法院最近就 BTI 2014 LLC 诉 Sequana SA 及其他 [2022 UKSC 25] 一案(“Sequana 案”)颁布一份万众期待的判决。Sequana 案的法理将于开曼群岛以至其他普通法司法管辖权区成为极具说服力的法律根据。
Sequana 案是一项有用的判决,原因如下:
- 该案不但确认董事对股东负有受信责任而须真诚以公司最佳利益行事的传统观点,同时指出董事于公司无力偿债或濒临无力偿债或可能进行无力偿债清盘或管理时,须考虑债权人利益或以其行事(“债权人利益责任”)。
- Sequana 为英国终审法院审理的首宗案件裁定董事于哪些情况下必须考虑公司债权人利益,不论债权人利益责任可否于公司无力偿债前触发,以及股东可否认可对债权人利益责任的潜在违反。
The United Kingdom Supreme Court (the “UKSC”) recently delivered its eagerly anticipated judgment in BTI 2014 LLC v Sequana SA and others[2022 UKSC 25] (“Sequana”). The reasoning in Sequanawill be highly persuasive in the Cayman Islands, as well as other common law jurisdictions.
Sequana is a helpful decision for at least the following reasons:
Conyers partner Jonathon Milne and associate Rowana-Kay Campbell in the Cayman Islands, and partner Anna Lin in Hong Kong, explain why the new Cayman restructuring regime is likely to be a welcome addition to the legislative landscape for prudent directors – particularly in light of current macro-economic conditions and the difficulties many companies are facing.
A much-anticipated corporate restructuring regime will be enacted in the Cayman Islands later this year through amendments to Part V of the Cayman Islands Companies Act.